Privacy Policy

Raincoast Books wants users of Raincoast websites to always be aware of how we collect and use personal and non-personal information.

We respect each of our users and their right to personal privacy. To that end, we collect and use information throughout our websites in line with the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy. This statement applies solely to information collected on Raincoast websites and does not apply to sites accessed by outbound links.

In order to use the full functions of the Raincoast Business Services website, users are required to register. During registration users are required to provide contact information. Raincoast uses this information to provide business services to users. We never sell, rent, lease, exchange or give away this information. We keep it secure and confidential for internal uses only.

In order to subscribe to Raincoast e-newsletters, users are required to provide a valid email address. In order to offer certain online services, such as contests, users may be asked to provide contact information, preference details, or other pieces of personal information. Raincoast uses this information to provide services to users. We never sell, rent, lease, exchange or give away this information. We keep it secure and confidential for internal uses only.

For each user to our website, our web server can recognize information regarding the usage of this website. Some of the information we collect is used for
- improvement of the content of our Web page
- shipping and billing purposes
- fulfillment of customer orders
- notifying users about updates to our website
- communicating with users for various information purposes

Raincoast Books is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer systems with limited access that are located in controlled facilities.

When we transmit highly confidential information (such as a account information) over the Internet, we protect it through the use of industry-standard encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

A cookie is a small file used for management of users and access on a website. Cookies can contain information that identifies each user, for example: login or username, passwords, shopping cart information, preferences, and so on. Cookies are an industry-standard method of user identification and management and cookies must be enabled to use many functions of Raincoast websites.

Raincoast uses cookies to indentify users individually and in the aggregate for analysis purposes. When you check the "Remember My UserID and Password" on the Business Services site, Raincoast verifies your identity with your computer to maintain the security of your information.

Raincoast reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Any changes will be posted to this privacy statement.

If site users have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.


Customer Service
2440 Viking Way
Richmond, BC
V6V 1N2

Customer Service: 1-800-663-5714


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