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Tchotchkes, Schmattes and Nosherei
by Traig, Jennifer ; Traig, Victoria ; Eschliman, Dwight
978-0-8118-3188-8 | Chronicle Books
Paperback | Price:$19.95


The Personal Organizing Workbook
Solutions for a Simpler, Easier Life
by Gowdy, Thayer Allyson ; Starr, Meryl
978-0-8118-4942-5 | Chronicle Books
Spiral Bound | Price:$27.95


Baby's Room
Ideas and Projects for Nurseries
by Strand, Jessica ; Levy, Jennifer
978-0-8118-3293-9 | Chronicle Books
Paperback | Price:$34.95


Girl About Town
A City Girl's Guide to Life
by Che, Cathay ; Pask, Rachel
978-1-897035-24-5 | Blue Heron Books
Paperback | Price:$16.95


Organic Baby
Simple Steps for Healthy Living
by Gowdy, Thayer Allyson ; Rider, Kimberly
978-0-8118-5573-0 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$27.95


Baby Showers
Ideas and Recipes for the Perfect Party
by Weaver, Jonelle ; Adams, Michele ; Russo, Gia
978-0-8118-2678-5 | Chronicle Books
Paperback | Price:$22.95


Brenda Kinsel's Fashion Makeover
30 Days to Diva Style!
by Kinsel, Brenda ; Lind, Monica
978-0-8118-5738-3 | Chronicle Books
Paperback | Price:$25.95


Reinventing Retirement
389 Bright Ideas About Family, Friends, Health, What to Do, and Where to Live
by Goodman, Miriam
978-0-8118-5981-3 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$30.95


The Spirit and Style of the Mexican Kitchen
by Levick, Melba ; McNair, Elizabeth
978-0-8118-4528-1 | Chronicle Books
Paperback | Price:$27.95


Heath Ceramics
The Complexity of Simplicity (Pottery Books, Books About Ceramics)
by Klausner, Amos ; Bailey, Catherine ; Petravic, Robin
978-0-8118-5560-0 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$53.00


The Beauty Workbook
A Commonsense Approach to Skin Care, Makeup, Hair, and Nails
by Robins, Cynthia
978-0-8118-2385-2 | Chronicle Books
Spiral Bound | Price:$37.95


Living Textures
A Creative Guide to Combining Colors and Textures in the Home
by Sorrell, Katherine
978-0-8118-2950-2 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$37.95


Garden Home City
Creating an Urban Haven
by Trust Dahan, Bonnie ; Sullivan, Shaun
978-0-8118-3247-2 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$41.50


Weekends with the Kids
Activities, Crafts, Recipes, Hundreds of Ideas for Family Fun
by Perry, Sara ; Bacon, Quentin
978-0-8118-3301-1 | Chronicle Books
Cloth | Price:$28.95


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