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For example, to find:
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
ISBN: 978-0-385-65980-2
To find by TITLE, enter any variation of the title using complete words:
curious incident of the dog in the night-time
curious incident
curious dog
Or use combinations of TITLE and AUTHOR:
curious mark haddon
haddon incident dog
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A&M Andrews McMeel
ALL Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.
BAN Bantam/Doubleday/Dell
BAR Barron's Educational Series
DBD Diamond Book Distributors
DCT D C Thompson Annuals
DGL Douglas & McIntyre
DKC Dorling Kindersley
DUN Dundurn Press
FHW Fitzhenry & Whiteside
FIR Firefly Books
GPI Georgetown Publications
GRA Granet Publishing Inc.
HAP House of Anansi Press/Groundwood Books
HCP HarperCollins
HLQ Harlequin
HNA Harry N. Abrams
HRB Harbour Publishing
JBG Jaguar Book Group
KCP Kids Can Press
LPG Literary Press Group
MAC McArthur & Company
MCC McClelland & Stewart
MCQ McGill-Queens University Press
MHR McGraw-Hill Ryerson
MRA Michael Reynolds and Associates
MON Monarch Books
OCG Ocean Cruise Guides
ORC Orca Book Publishers
OUP Oxford University Press
PBC Penguin Books Canada
PCL Polestar Calendars
PHAI Phaidon Press
PRN Pearson PTR Canada
RAN Random House
RDC Readers Digest
SCH Scholastic Canada
SSC Simon & Schuster Canada
STR Sterling Publishing
TSP Ten Speed Press
UBC University of British Columbia Press
UTP University of Toronto Press
WIL John Wiley & Sons
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BA Bath Book
BC Box set, cloth
BD Board book
BI Book and item
BK Novelty Book
BM Book and mixed media; CD, DVD, etc.
BP Box set, paperback
BS Board Book with Sound Chip
CA Audio cassette tape
CD Audio compact disk
CL Cloth
DK Desk calendar
EN Engagement calendar
JN Journal, diary, blank book
KB Activity kit with book
MK Mass market
PB Paperback
RB Rag book
SB Spiral bound
SC Slip cased book, cloth
SP Slip cased book, paperback
SS Slip cased book, spiral
TY Toy, doll, puppet, plush toy
WC Wall calendar
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Ant Antiques
Arch Architecture, Interior Design
Arts Fine Arts
Asto Astrology
Auto Automotive, Transportation
Biog Biography
Busi Business & Personal Finance
Cal Calendar
Cana Canadiana
Chaa Childrens Art/Activity Books
Chbd Childrens Board Book
Chca Child Care, Parenting
Chil Childrens
Chnr Childrens Nature/Reference
Chpi Childrens Picture Books
Chya Young Adults
Chyr Young Readers
Comi Graphic Novel
Comp Computer Skills
Cook Cooking, Food, Wine
Craf Arts & Crafts, Hobbies
Cultr Cultural Studies
Curra Current Affairs
Doit Do-It-Yourself
Fict Fiction
Film Film, Movies, Television
Gard Gardening
Gift Gift
Heal Health, Beauty, Fitness, Sex
Hist History
Hum Humour
Insp Inspirations, Self-Help
Landic Language & Dictionaries
Lit Literature
Musi Musi
Nat Nature & Science
Nati Native Studies
Nwage New Age
Out Outdoors & Adventure Writing
Pet Pets & Pet Care
Philo Philosophy
Phot Photography
Poet Poetry
Poli Politics
Pop Pop Culture
Psyc Psychology, Personal Development
Ref Reference
Reli Religion
Soc Sociology
Spir Spirituality
Spor Sports, Games, Toys
Trav Travel Guides, Maps, Road Atlases
Trci True Crime
Trvw Travel Writing
Wom Women Studies
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