Ivy and Bean No News Is Good News (Book 8)
(Best Friends Books for Kids, Elementary School Books, Early Chapter Books)
Chronicle Books
Available: 10/19/11
7.72 x 7.65 · 128 pages
Ages 6-10 years
CDN $22.50
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A Netflix Original Film Series
ANew York Times Bestselling Series
Over 8 Million Copies Sold
Ivy and Bean need some money. Ten dollars, to be exact. Never mind what for. Okay, it's for low-fat Belldeloon cheese in a special just-for you serving size. Don't ask why. How are Ivy and Bean going to make ten dollars? Hey, maybe they should write a newspaper about Pancake Court and sell it! Great idea! And easy, too. All they have to do is snoop around the neighborhood. Wow. . . It's very interesting what they can find out. It's even more interesting when the neighbors readabout it in the newspaper.
Annie Barrows is the bestselling author of books for both children and adults, including the Iggy series, the YA novelNothing and the bestselling novelThe Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society which was made into a Netflix movie. She lives in Northern California.