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Let's Bring Back

An Encyclopedia of Forgotten-Yet-Delightful, Chic, Useful, Curious, and Otherwise Commendable Things from Times Gone By


Chronicle Books
Available: 09/15/10
5.41 x 8.27 · 256 pages
Ages 18 years and up
CDN $28.95 · cl

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Lesley M.M. Blume

The Huffington Post 's Let's Bring Back. . . " columnist, Lesley M. M. Blume, invites you to consider whatever happened to cuckoo clocks? Or bed curtains? Why do we have so many "friends" but have done away with the much more useful word "acquaintance"? All of these things, plus hot toddies, riddles, proverbs, corsets, calling cards, and many more, are due for a revival. Throughout this whimsical, beautifully illustrated encyclopedia of nostalgia, Blume breathes new life into the elegant, mysterious, and delightful trappings of bygone eras, honoring the timeless tradition of artful living along the way. Inspired by her much loved column of the same name and featuring entries from famous icons of style and culture, Let's Bring Back leads readers to rediscover the things that entertained, awed, beautified, satiated, and fascinated in eras past.

Lesley M. M. Blume has written for a number of publications, from Slate to Vogue, and is the contributing Style section editor at the Huffington Post. She is also the author of several critically acclaimed children's books. She lives in New York City.