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Trekking Nepal

A Traveler's Guide


The Mountaineers Books
Available: 04/01/11
5.57 x 8.48 · 448 pages
CDN $44.95 · pb

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Stephen Bezruchka, M.D. and Alonzo Lyons

A new and fully updated edition of one of the most respected and authoritative guides to Nepal. After much political unrest, tourism to Nepal is again on the rise as a travel destination. New features of the 8th edition include: expanded coverage of areas outside of the primary trekking routes, as well as of less-traveled routes near major trailheads; new details on trekking in the Everest, Annapurna, and Langtang regions; new DIY information for independent exploring: how to make contact with villagers, use local maps, find porters and guides, understand pricing guidelines, and arrange travel necessities such as water purification and meals; Nepali language audio component available for download at www.mountaineersbooks.com
"Any Nepal travel guidebook will give you details, details, details! But read Stephen Bezruchka's Trekking Nepal, the best for background and thorough trekking advice." -- Christian Science Monitor, on the 7th edition

A board certified emergency physician,STEVEN BEZRUCHKA, M.D., has worked in the fields of travel medicine and international health. He is the author ofThe Pocket Doctor, 3rd Edition ,Trekking in Nepal: A Traveler's Guide, 8th Edition , andAltitude Illness .
Alonzo Lyons first went to Nepal in 1993 as a grassroots volunteer and returns every chance he gets. He is conversational in Nepali and researched this new edition."