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Trekker's Handbook

Strategies to Enhance Your Journey


The Mountaineers Books
Available: 01/09/04
6.06 x 8.94 · 208 pages
CDN $25.95 · pb

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Buck Tilton

Trekking, "n.: A wilderness excursion of 5-6 days or more where the foucu is on the journey rather than the destination. Trekking is an experience--and distinctly different than thru-hiking long (hundred-or thousand-mile) trails in the preparation, lifestyle, and time commitments involved. Buck Tilton takes you from planning the route (linking trails or finding loops) to tactical considerations (menus/ration planning, resupply, going lightweight) to making the most of your journey (life on the trail and the etiquette of section-hiking long trails).

BUCK TILTON, M.S., is the award-winning author of more than 15 books, including Don?t Get Sick (with Rick Bennett, Ph.D.) and Don't Get Bitten. He is a co-founder of the Wilderness Medicine Institute of the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).