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Human Space


Chronicle Books
Available: 07/13/11
5.08 x 8.01 · 320 pages
CDN $48.00 · pb

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O.F. Bollnow and Otto Friedrich Bollnow

introduction by Joseph Kohlmaier

Following its publication in Germany in 1963, Otto Friedrich Bollnow's Human Space quickly became essential reading within a cross-disciplinary field of subject areas including architecture, anthropology, and philosophy. In this first English translation, Bollnow conceives the human experience of space not merely as a philosophical problem but also as an extension of his research into psychology, human behavior, and the conventional domains of architecture: living in a building, in an apartment, in a house. Human Space is a remarkable investigation of space as we experience it, by a man many consider to be the father of spatial and architectural anthropology. This lush hardcover edition includes an afterword by Joseph Kohlmaier that situates the work in the context of philosophical and architectural discussion.

Otto Friedrich Bollnow (1903-1991) was an influential figure of the human science movement in education in Germany whose work can be placed within and between the fields of existentialism and phenomenology. He is the author of 38 books and over 300 articles, almost none of which have been translated into English.