Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

The Extraordinary Colors of Auden Dare


Feiwel & Friends
Available: 09/25/18
5.75 x 8.5 · 352 pages
Ages 9-11 years
CDN $22.50 · cl
With dust jacket

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Zillah Bethell

A beautiful friendship and coming-of-age story in middle-grade, The Extraordinary Colors of Auden Dare by Zillah Bethell is lightly futuristic, and deeply compelling.

Auden Dare is colorblind and lives in a world where water is scarce and families must live on a weekly, allocated supply.

When Auden's uncle, the scientist Dr. Bloom, suddenly dies, he leaves a note to Auden and to his classmate Vivi Rookmini. Together, the notes lead them to Paragon - a robot.

As Auden, Vivi, and Paragon try to uncover Paragon's purpose and put together the clues Dr. Bloom left behind, they find out that Dr. Bloom's death was anything but innocent, that powerful people are searching for Paragon - and that it's up to Auden and Vivi to stop them.

Zillah Bethell was born in a leprosy hospital in Papua New Guinea, spent her childhood barefoot playing in the jungle, and didn't own a pair of shoes until she came to the United Kingdom when she was eight years old. She was educated at Oxford University and lives in Wales with her family. A Whisper of Horses is her first children's book.