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Why a Daughter Needs a Dad Coupons

22 special ways to show dad you'll always be his little girl


Available: 04/01/10
7 x 3.25 · 48 pages
CDN $8.99 · np

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Gregory E. Lang

Inspired by Greg Lang's New York Times bestselling book, this perfect gift for dad is sure to be a home run. With heartwarming text and timeless photographs, Why a Daughter Needs a Dad Coupons will bring fathers and daughters together with special coupons of appreciation, support, and love - reminders that she'll always be daddy's little girl.

Gregory E. Lang is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including Why a Daughter Needs a Dad, Why a Daughter Needs a Mom, Why a Son Needs a Dad, Why a Son Needs a Mom, and Why I Love You. He lives in Georgia.