Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Real Mermaids Don't Need High Heels


Available: 01/09/13
5.25 x 7.5 · 240 pages
Ages 10-14 years
CDN $16.50 · pb

 Canadian Title

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Helene Boudreau

Just Your Average Teenage Mer-Girl
The only thing that terrifies Jade more than the ocean is dancing at the Fall Formal. Because Jade has two left feet - er, flippers. Who knew being a high school freshman is even more awkward than being a plus-size aqua-phobic mer-girl? At least her only drama is of the human variety. . .
Or not.
The Mermish Council has just declared that all land-dwelling mers but return to the ocean. Pronto. But there's no way Jade is going to let her mom, or Luke, her. . . boyfriend? mer-guy-friend?, disappear into the deep, dark ocean. Again. After all, a girl's got to have a date to her first dance.
If Jade can stop mer-mageddon, finding a plus-size dress that doesn't look like a shower curtain should be a piece of cake.
Praise for Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings :
Bravo to Helene Boudreau for hitting the bull's-eye with a fresh, affectionate, watery twist on a classic, coming-of-age story." - New York Journal of Books
"The author keeps the suspense high. . . while tapping straight into young teens' angst about friends, enemies, and boys." - Kirkus Reviews

HELENE BOUDREAU believes mermaids are just as plausible as giant squids, flying fish or electric eels. She now writes fiction and non-fiction for kids from her land-locked home in Ontario, Canada. Her first book of this series, Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings, was a 2011 SCBWI Crystal Kite Award finalist. www.heleneboudreau.com