Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Mr. Darcy's Night Before Christmas


Gibbs Smith
Available: 07/08/15
3.25 x 8 · 32 pages
CDN $14.99 · cl
Picture book

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Julie Petersen

illustrated by Sheryl Dickert

Clement Clarke Moore's Christmas classic meets Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice when Mr. Darcy gets his own visit from jolly, old St. Nicholas. In this parody of the enchanting original poem, Santa Claus teaches Mr. Darcy the true meaning of the holiday and helps him get what he's always wanted-a wife!

JULIE PETERSEN has fond memories of hiding under her covers at night with a flashlight just so she could finish whatever chapter she was on and a few more after that. When not reading Jane Austen, she can be found singing and spoiling her nieces and nephews. Julie currently lives in Clinton, Utah.