Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

The Wish Tree


Chronicle Books
Available: 09/27/16
8.5 x 10.3 · 40 pages
Ages 3-5 years
CDN $25.99 · cl
Picture book

 Canadian Title

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Kyo Maclear

illustrated by Chris Turnham

Charles wants to find a wish tree. His brother and sister don't believe there is such a thing, but his trusty companion Boggan is ready to join Charles on a journey to find out. And along the way, they discover that wishes can come true in the most unexpected ways.
The poetic text and heartwarming illustrations evoke the true essence of the holiday season and will inspire wishers everywhere. This gem of a book deserves center stage year round.

Chris Turnham has had a long career working as a visual development artist in the animation industry for clients including Sony Pictures Animation, LAIKA, and DreamWorks Animation. This is his debut picture book. He is based in Los Angeles.

Kyo Maclear is a critically acclaimed author whose books have received starred reviews, appeared on numerous Best of" lists, and been published in multiple languages around the world. One of her picture books, Virginia Wolf, has been adapted for the stage, and another, Julia, Child is currently being adapted into an animated television series. She lives in Toronto.
