Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

The Official Sherlock Puzzle Book

Are you as smart as Sherlock Holmes? (Sherlock Holmes Puzzle, Detective Gifts, Mystery Gifts)


Chronicle Books
Available: 07/03/18
6.13 x 8 · 272 pages
CDN $26.95 · pb

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Chris Maslanka and Steve Tribe

Step into Sherlock's mind palace to try and solve 165 codes, sequences, logical problems, acrostics, quizzes, enigmas, and more in this official Sherlock book of puzzles. With challenges for all skill levels and explanations of how BBC's Sherlock Holmes might arrive at the solutions, Sherlock fans and puzzlers alike will be eager to find out if they're a match for the brains of 221B Baker Street.

Chris Maslanka is a British writer and broadcaster, specializing in puzzles and problem solving. He lives in Oxford, England.

Steve Tribe is the author of numerous titles, including: Sherlock: Chronicles ; Doctor Who: The TARDIS Handbook ; Doctor Who: Companions and Allies ; and Doctor Who: The Time Traveler's Almanac . He lives in Hampshire, England.