Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Santa's Magic Key


Available: 10/03/17
8.75 x 10.75 · 40 pages
Ages 4-9 years
CDN $28.99 · cl
Picture book

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Eric James

illustrated by Simon Mendez

Unlock the magic with this book and special keepsake key to start a new family tradition.
It's an age-old question. How does Santa get into every house around the world. . . no matter what doors, locks, chimneys, or windows exist?
Find the answer to this question in Santa's Magic Key ! In this unforgettable holiday story, a boy realizes on Christmas Eve that his new house does not have a chimney, andwith the post office closed and Santa coming by the end of the night, he has no way of telling Santa. But when the boy finds a mysterious key, he'll soon discover just how this key will solve his problem.
Add a new classic to your holiday collection with this magical tale that reveals how Santa can always spread gifts and joy on Christmas Eve by using his magical key. This beautiful book comes with Santa's special key just for you to hang on your Christmas tree as an ornament oroutside your door!

Eric James is a children's book author, word tickler, and champion asparagus thrower. You can find him online at www.ericjames.co.uk. He lives in Bath, England, with his family.