Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Uncle John's Certified Organic Bathroom Reader


Portable Press
Available: 04/01/09
5.5 x 8.25 · 288 pages
CDN $16.95 · pb

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Bathroom Readers' Institute

Only Uncle John could make the Green Movement this much fun! This timely edition takes an even-handed look at the trials and tribulations (and downright goofiness) of environmentalism. You'll learn how landfills operate, where plastic goes to die, how to understand food labels, how to save some green around the house, and the lowdown on all the alternative forms of energy currently being bandied about (even beer power). And we cover the really important stuff, such as: Who has the bigger carbon footprint - Fred Flintstone or George Jetson? And lots more, includingaǪ

* Lady Bird Johnson's quest for a prettier nation
* Whatever happened to the electric car?
* Paper vs. plastic: A fight to the death
* Not-so-green Hollywood movies
* The true meaning of 'organic'
* Ancient environmentalists
* Living on an Amish farm
* Animals that recycle
* The power of poo
And much, much more!

The Bathroom Readers' Institute is a tight-knit group of loyal and skilled writers, researchers, and editors who have been working as a team for years. The BRI understands the habits of a very special market-Throne Sitters-and devotes itself to providing amazing facts and conversation pieces.