Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Uncle John's Facts to Annoy Your Teacher Bathroom Reader For Kids Only


Portable Press
Available: 06/15/09
5.5 x 8.25 · 256 pages
Ages 9-12 years
CDN $17.95 · pb

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Bathroom Readers' Institute

We admit it: Uncle John wasn't a great student. He'd rather draw plungers or make fart noises than read boring school books. So we made this book with little Uncle John in mind. It's full of fun facts and funny illustrations - all designed to make your teacher squirm. It's got the weird. It's got the wacky. And it definitely has the gross. So hide this book from the grownups as you check out . . .

* Icky eats: fried spiders and candy-coated larvae
* Hunting for real hidden treasures
* The history of doughnuts
* How to make armpit farts
* Goofball students who grew up to be president
* Wrong facts your teacher thinks are true
Plus dumb crooks, amazing kids, animal oddities, and a whole lot more!

The Bathroom Readers' Institute is a tight-knit group of loyal and skilled writers, researchers, and editors who have been working as a team for years. The BRI understands the habits of a very special market-Throne Sitters-and devotes itself to providing amazing facts and conversation pieces.