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Trekking Peru

A Traveler's Guide


The Mountaineers Books
Available: 05/01/17
5.76 x 8.48 · 288 pages
CDN $44.95 · pb

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Roberty and Daisy Kunstaetter

Trek through time on Inca roads and others historic paths to heavenly vistas, inviting communities, and some of the great natural wonders of the world.
- 30 detailed treks-from approachable 1–2 day walks to challenging, extended treks
- Includes geography, geology, climate, culture, economy, and more
- Detailed information on passports, communications, and moreother travel resources

Among the most dynamic travel destinations in South America, Peru boasts a wealth
of trekking opportunities. The country's 15,000-mile Inca road network, extensive
archaeological remains, and rich, living cultural traditions, combined with 50 million
acres of protected natural parks and reserves, make Peru ideally suited to trekkingbased
travel adventure.

Robert and Daisy Kunstaetter, trail-tested authors and adventurous expats, bring the
high quality of work they are known for to bear on Peru's excellent trekking options.
This new, full-color guidebook features everything you?ll need to find and plan treks
in the country, including the necessary permits and documentation, cultural tips for
responsible trekking, information on trekking infrastructure, maps, public safety, trail
safety, staying healthy, and much more!

Trekking Peru showcases nine different regions in the country, covering popular areas
such as Cusco and Lake Titicaca but also less-traveled areas such as the Great Inca
Road and more remote areas in the Central Highlands. The variety the Kunstaetters
offer and their insights as locals in the region are what make this guide stand apart and
prove especially useful.

Robert and Daisy Kunstaetter have lived and traveled in South America for many years, settling in Daisy's native Ecuador as their permanent home. They are the co-authors, major contributors, or cartographers of 23 different books, including the classic South American Handbook, currently in its 89th annual edition. They live in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, just over the Peruvain border, and write about Peru on www.trekkingperu.org