Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

The Sweet Life

Diabetes without Boundaries


Rodale Books
Available: 10/25/11
7.5 x 9.13 · 256 pages
CDN $37.50 · cl
With dust jacket

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Sam Talbot

Sam Talbot is a professional chef, Top Chef contestant, restaurateur, surfer, painter, philanthropist, and, since the age of 12, type 1 diabetic. Yet he has not let the disease stop him from living a rich life packed with energy, adventure, and achievement - culinary and otherwise. In his first, much-anticipated book, he recounts how diabetes has affected but not compromised his life or career, and he shares his own tips - alongside those from other famous diabetics like Halle Berry, Larry King, and Tommy Lee - on how to handle everything from work and hobbies to relationships and travel with discipline and enthusiasm.

To round out this advice, he offers bits of foodie wisdom and 75 innovative recipes for fresh, all-natural dishes anybody, diabetic or not, can prepare and enjoy.

Heartfelt, entertaining, and backed by real-life experience and solid medical expertise, The Sweet Life will give readers hope, inspiration, and the proof they need to realize that life with diabetes isn't about diabetes: It's about living.

SAM TALBOT was runner-up on Season 2 of Bravo's Top Chef . His latest restaurant, Imperial #9 in Soho's Mondrian Hotel, opens in early 2011. He lives in New York City.