Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader WISE UP!

An Elevating Collection of Quick Facts and Incredible Curiosities


Portable Press
Available: 10/14/09
5.5 x 8.25 · 416 pages
CDN $26.95 · pb

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Bathroom Readers' Institute

Is there any other single book in the universe with this many awesome tidbits of bite-sized information? Nope. And that's a fact! At nearly 400 pages (with a handy index for your fact-seeking convenience), Wise Up! is a must-have for anyone who likes their information on the go. It's organized into hundreds of topics-everything from sports and entertainment to word origins and science. Here are but a few of the facts awaiting you:

* More women than men talk to their cars.
* The melody for Nat King Cole's 1954 hit 'Smile' was composed by Charlie Chaplin.
* Acid rain was first identified and named in 1852.
* What is your buccal cavity ? Your mouth.
* There are no skunks in Newfoundland.
* The average Super Bowl party has 18 people.
* When dropped in water, a fresh egg will sink; a stale one won't.
* The average newborn baby spends 113 minutes a day crying.
* Pepper was so valuable during Elizabethan times that it was sold by the grain.
* Fossilized termite farts have been preserved in amber.
And thousands more!

The Bathroom Readers' Institute is a tight-knit group of loyal and skilled writers, researchers, and editors who have been working as a team for years. The BRI understands the habits of a very special market-Throne Sitters-and devotes itself to providing amazing facts and conversation pieces.