Raincoast Books

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Crocodile and Friends Animal Memory Game

Animal Memory Game


Chronicle Books
Available: 02/20/18
6.75 x 6.75
Ages 3-5 years
CDN $21.95 · ze

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Natacha Andriamirado

illustrated by Delphine Renon

Fossil, a good-natured crocodile who just wants some peace and quiet, quickly won the hearts of children everywhere in the delightful picture book The Quiet Crocodile. Now Fossil and his friends are back, ready to play, in this fun memory game. The fifty-two cards feature twenty-six charming illustrations of Fossil and his many friends, nested in a handsome keepsake box. An added bonus is a folded poster showing all of the animal friends together, from Fippo the Hippo and Ryan the Lionto Pat the Cat.

Natacha Andriamirado studied philosophy at the Sorbonne before she turned her attention to writing. She is the author of The Quiet Crocodile, I Write for My Dog, and Caracal .

Delphine Renon is a graphic designer, based in Paris, who has illustrated ten children's books.