Raincoast Books

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Rock Climbing Anchors, 2nd Edition

A Comprehensive Guide


The Mountaineers Books
Available: 04/01/19
6.75 x 8.5 · 288 pages
CDN $37.95 · pb

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Topher Donahue and Craig Luebben

For this new edition of Rock Climbing Anchors, climber and writer Topher Donahue carefully reviewed each of the techniques and lessons, making them even easier to understand and learn. Key updates include:

- Improved content hierarchy, reading efficiency, and technique emphasis
- Pros vs. Cons comparison lists
- Technological advances and changes in gear and standards
- Graphic illustrations of forces, movement, "right" vs "wrong" technique, and more
- New section on anchor considerations for the climbing gym
- New distinction between "anchor" and "placement" or "piece"

Accomplished climbing guide, author, and photographer,Topher Donahue was, at age 14, one of the youngest American climbing guides in history. His climbing methods and philosophy evolved from his experiences with guides, climbers, and cultures across the globe. Topher lives in Nederland, Colorado. Visit him at www.topherdonahue.com and on Instagram at @Topher.Donahue.