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ABC's of the Bauhaus:

The Bauhaus and Design Theory


Chronicle Books
Available: 07/01/00
8.25 x 10.75 · 64 pages
Ages 13 years and up
CDN $34.95 · pb

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Ellen Lupton

edited by Ellen Lupton

Interior Design magazine says that The ABC's of the Bauhaus is, a collection of visually and intellectually stimulating essays about basic design courses at the Bauhaus, Froebel toys, inflation in the Weimar Republic, the typography of Herbert Bayer, Psychoanalysis, and fractal geometry. A fascinating fantasia on an elementary theme."And Elysabeth Yates Burns McKee, from Design Book Review says that "perhaps the most successful aspect of The ABC's is its ability to elucidate complexand fundamentaltheroetical aspects of the Bauhaus program."

Ellen Lupton is one of America's preeminent design educators. Her books include Skin, Inside Design Now, and Mixing Messages, among others. She is currently director of the design program at Maryland Institute of Art and Design.