Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Magic Up Your Sleeve

Amazing Illusions, Tricks, and Science Facts You'll Never Believe


Owlkids Books Inc.
Available: 03/09/10
9.42 x 8.19 · 64 pages
CDN $12.95 · pb

 Canadian Title

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Helaine Becker

illustrated by Claudia Davila

The world of science is often described as magical -- but is magic itself scientific? You bet! Award-winning author Helaine Becker teams up with illustrator Claudia Davila once again to unleash her special brand of humor and facts on young readers. This time around, the duo reveals the science hidden in magic tricks! Using dozens of activities, Becker shows how the world of magic manipulates simple scientific principles of illusion and perception to leave audiences baffled. Each mystifying trick has been tested and is clearly explained to provide quick results using a handful of common household materials. A bonus "Art of Performance" appendix includes everything kids need to know to put on a magic show -- from the importance of patter to perfecting their sleight of hand tricks.

Helaine Becker has a knack for blending humor and education into a satisfying package that both delights and informs. Her award-winning books include Boredom Blasters, Secret Agent Y.O.U., and Science on the Loose. Originally from New York, Helaine lives in Toronto with her husband and two sons.