Not Your Typical Book about the Environment
Owlkids Books Inc.
Available: 03/09/10
8.59 x 9.58 · 64 pages
CDN $12.95
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We live in a time of heightened environmental awareness, and this knowledge is creating a generation of kids with feelings of eco-anxiety -- the world is doomed, isn't it? Maybe not. Not Your Typical Book about the Environment aims to allay kids' fears by showing them what a remarkable time they live in: smart technologies, innovative ideas, and a growing commitment to alternative lifestyles are exploding around the world. Each chapter begins by taking familiar objects from a kids' world -- T-shirts, video games, bikes -- and using these as launching pads to delve into related environmental issues. Plus, profiles of unexpected personalities, like a sustainable hapiness researcher or a young chef committed to the local food movement, show how many are seeking viable solutions to the serious problems facing our planet. It's not that there isn't a problem. There is. But this book shows how this time of crisis can instead be seen as a time of great opportunity!
Elin Kelsey, Ph.D. is a consultant with over 20 years of experience in environmental education. Elin is the author of 10 other books for children including Strange New Species and Canadian Dinosaurs. She is an adjunct professor at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California and Royal Roads University in British Columbia. She lives in Pacific Grove, California.