Raincoast Books

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Motherhood Realized

An Inspiring Anthology for the Hardest Job You'll Ever Love


Available: 04/25/14
6.38 x 8.95 · 206 pages
CDN $25.99 · pb

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Power of Moms

We believe that family life is beautiful and that motherhood is a privilege. But we also believe it is often really hard to see all that beauty when we're in the midst of mothering. So often, we feel like we're spread too thin. We feel like we don't match up. Our hearts want to do more than our hands can manage. And every day, as we cycle through household duties, discipline, errands, conversations, teaching, and hundreds of unexpecteds, we're often left tired, worried, and in need of some extrainspiration and encouragement. Power of Moms is an online community of deliberate mothers. Since 2007, millions of mothers from all backgrounds who are striving to be the best they can be have gathered to our website to learn and grow together. Time and again, our posts receive comments that say something like, I am going to print this out and put it on my nightstand so I can read it again and again." We've been concerned about those nightstands . . . getting all cluttered up with paper. So we'veselected dozens of our most popular posts and compiled them neatly into this bookjust for you.
This book isn't just a book. It's a tangible representation of a living, breathing community of mothers. Motherhood is the hardest job we'll ever love, and it's so much better when we're doing it together.

Power of Moms (www.powerofmoms.com) has become an online gathering place for more than one million moms since 2007. With regular podcasts, articles, videos, programs, and in-person retreats worldwide, they have created a haven for mothers who share in the same triumphs and struggles - and are dedicated to doing their very best. Website: www.powerofmoms.com/motherhoodrealized Facebook: www.facebook.com/powerofmoms Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/powerofmoms Twitter: www.twitter.com/powerofmomsYouTube: www.youtube.com/powerofmoms Itunes: Power of Moms Podcasts