Moleskine Le Petit Prince Plain Pocket
Moleskine Code LEPPQP012F

Available: 05/04/11
3.75 x 5.75 · 192 pages
CDN $20.00
· pf
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This limited edition Moleskine notebook is celebrates one of the most well loved literary icons of the 20th century: Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). The notebook features a customized cover, paper band and inside cover with art from the book. Small details capture the magic and idealism of the story. A custom In case of loss" message reads "In case of loss, return to planetÂ… ". and "As a reward, my secret aboutÂ… " Each notebook has a cut out scene from the story tucked away in the rear notebook pocket. The pocket-sized notebook includes a glove-shaped cutout of the Prince enjoying a "perpetual sunset" on his home planet."