Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

CO LAB: Collaborative Design Survey


Laurence King Publishing
Available: 06/12/15
6.88 x 9.38 · 240 pages
CDN $68.00 · pb

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Elizabeth Herrmann and Ryan Shelley

foreword by Ellen Lupton

Young, hungry, interdisciplinary designers and artists are teaming together in small packs to tackle personal and client projects, while bucking old world views of authorship and agency-based assembly line production. Armed with cheap gear and accessible programs, they can design anything for anyone, wearing their voice proudly on their sleeves. Authors/designers/faculty ras+e-themselves a small, interdisciplinary team-explore this collaborative landscape with an overt sense of humor,original illustrations, custom typography, dozens of Q+As with a diverse range of contemporary practitioners, and buckets of bright red ink (0, 100, 100, 0). Because design theory needs an imp, this collection of accessible essays and tightly curated Q+As refuses to bore.