Florence Nightingale
The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Available: 11/08/16
8 x 10 · 192 pages
Ages 12-99 years
CDN $26.99
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Most people know Florence Nightingale was a compassionate and legendary nurse, but they don't know her full story. This riveting biography explores the exceptional life of a woman who defied the stifling conventions of Victorian society to pursue what was considered an undesirable vocation. She is best known for her work during the Crimean War, when she vastly improved gruesome and deadly conditions and made nightly rounds to visit patients, becoming known around the world as the Lady withthe Lamp. Her tireless and inspiring work continued after the war, and her modern methods in nursing became the defining standards still used today. Includes notes, bibliography, and index .
Catherine Reefis the author of more than 40 nonfiction books, including many highly acclaimed biographies for young people. She lives in College Park, Maryland. www.catherinereef.com.