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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone British Children's Paperback Edition


Macmillan Distribution Limited
Available: 06/01/99
5.67 x 7.55
CDN $11.95 · pb

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Rowling, J.K.

This cult children's classic has already sold over 150,000 copies in the U.K. alone. It is the story of Harry Potter, an ordinary boy, who lives in a cupboard under the stairs. He has an extremely ordinary life until a strange letter arrives for Harry that turns his life upside down! He is literally rescued by a world where nothing is as it seems and magic lessons are the order of the day. Find out how Harry discovers his true heritage at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, the reason behind his parents' mysterious death, who is out to kill him, and how he uncovers the most amazing secret of all time; the fabled Philosopher's Stone. Ages 9-11.
"A richly textured first novel given lift-off by an inventive wit." -The Guardian

This is J. K. Rowling's first book. She has six more books planned for Harry's adventures at Hogwarts. She lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.