Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

Little Bird's Bad Word

A Picture Book


Feiwel & Friends
Available: 07/21/15
8.44 x 10.3 · 32 pages
Ages 4-7 years
CDN $19.50 · cl
With dust jacket

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Jacob Grant

Little Bird learned a new word! He loves it so much that he's bursting to share it with all of his friends.


The only problem is, this isn't a very nice word. Little Bird doesn't realize it, but this word might even hurt someone's feelings. With the help of Papa Bird, maybe Little Bird will learn another new word - one that will make things all better.

Jacob Grant is originally from Ohio, but now lives with his wife in a very windy city in Illinois. Day and night he can be found in his home studio drawing, painting, and writing until something feels story-ish. His debut picture book, Scaredy Kate, was released in 2014. Jacob tries not to use bad words around any little animals.