Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

A Song Below Water

A Novel


Available: 06/02/20
5.9 x 8.53 · 288 pages
Ages 13-18 years
CDN $24.50 · cl
With dust jacket

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Bethany C. Morrow

Bethany C. Morrow's A Song Below Water is the story for today's readers - a captivating modern fantasy about Black sirens, friendship, and self-discovery set against the challenges of today's racism and sexism.

In a society determined to keep her under lock and key, Tavia must hide her siren powers.

Meanwhile, Effie is fighting her own family struggles, pitted against literal demons from her past. Together, these best friends must navigate through the perils of high school's junior year.

But everything changes in the aftermath of a siren murder trial that rocks the nation, and Tavia accidentally lets out her magical voice at the worst possible moment.

Soon, nothing in Portland, Oregon, seems safe. To save themselves from drowning, it's only Tavia and Effie's unbreakable sisterhood that proves to be the strongest magic of all.

It's beautiful and it's brilliant." - Jason Reynolds, #1 New York Times bestselling author and National Ambassador for Young People's Literature

"An enthralling tale of Black girl magic and searing social commentary ready to rattle the bones." - Dhonielle Clayton, New York Times bestselling author of The Belles

Bethany C. Morrow is a national bestselling author. Her young adult novels include A Song Below Water, A Chorus Rises, and the Little Women remix, So Many Beginnings, and she is editor/contributor to the young adult anthology Take The Mic, which won the 2020 ILA Social Justice in Literature award. Her adult novels include Mem, and the social horror, Cherish Farrah . Her work has been featured in The LA Times, Forbes, Bustle, Buzzfeed, and more. She is included on USA TODAY's list of 100 Black novelists and fiction writers you should read.