Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

The Allegra Biscotti Collection


Available: 11/02/10
5.01 x 7.8 · 256 pages
Ages 9-12 years
CDN $17.99 · pb

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Olivia Bennett

She would be a world renown fashion designer - but can she pass the 7th grade?
Emma Rose is SO not a diva.
She doesn't want her turn on the catwalk - she'd rather be behind the scenes creating fabulous outfits! So when a famous fashionista discovers Emma's designs and offers her the opportunity of a lifetime - a feature in Madison magazine (squeal!) - Emma sort of, well, panics. She has only oneoption: to create a secret identity.
And so Allegra Biscotti is born.
Allegra is worldly, sophisticated, and bold - everything Emma is not. But the pressure is on. And Emma quickly discovers juggling school, a new crush, friends, and a secret identity might not be as glamorous as she thought.

Olivia Bennet has had a passion for fashion since she was a young girl, putting together surprising outfits for the daily fashion show that took place in the school hallways. When not writing fashion-forward books for tweens, Olivia can be found hot-gluing and sewing amazing DIY projects. Olivia loves to mix-and-match. . .and then mix it up some more.