Letters to Me, When I Grow Up
Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever. (Time Capsule, Reflection Gifts for Kids, Thoughtful Gifts for Kids, Journaling for Kids)

Chronicle Books
Available: 03/22/16
3.75 x 8 · 12 pages
Ages 7-12 years
CDN $22.50
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Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever. More than 4 million copies sold in the series!
Letters to Me, When I Grow Up will inspire children to write or draw stories, dreams for the future, and advice for their grown-up selves.
Each letter begins with a unique prompt like:
- When I imagine myself all grown up. . .
- A pep talk for my future self. . .
- If I become a world leader. . .
Included are 12 letters that will inspire children to send a letter to their grown-up self!
Each letter has a space to write when it was sealed and when it should be opened (will it be tomorrow or in 20 years?). Seal letters with the included stickers before saving this time capsule for your future self!
Lea Redmond is the author of the bestselling LETTERS TO MY . . . series and the A Little Something Puzzles. She crafts objects, designs experiences, writes books, and plays with ideas at her studio in Oakland, California.