Seas of South Africa

Ronsdale Press
Available: 09/25/13
5.25 x 7.63 · 250 pages
CDN $11.95
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In Seas of South Africa, the sixth volume in the best-selling Submarine Outlaw series, it has been over two years since the young explorer first set sail in his own submarine, with his dog and seagull crew. Now, almost seventeen, Alfred is on the cusp of switching from exploring the world to playing an active environmentalist role in protecting the sea that he loves so dearly. Brought into conflict with the pirate scourge that plagues Africa's eastern shores, Alfred takes action against them, only to bring them into tireless pursuit of him. Escaping overland to Johannesburg, with a reckless young inventor from Soweto, Alfred discovers that the violence which taints the shores of the continent is deeply embedded in the life of South African society, so recently freed from Apartheid. Despairing at the cruelty inflicted upon his friend, Alfred learns that the antidote to violence is not more violence, but the strength of one's heart and an indomitable determination to improve the world, as exemplified in the life of Nelson Mandela. Armed with new inspiration, Alfred is ready to become the eco-warrior he was destined to be.
Philip Roy lives in Durham, Ontario, with his family and their 17-year-old cat. Continuing to write adventurous and historical young adult novels focusing on social, environmental, and global concerns, Philip is also delighted to be embarking upon Mouse Pet, his third book in the "Happy the Pocket Mouse" series (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara), due out in the fall of 2015, as well as Stealth of the Ninja, his eighth volume of the "Submarine Outlaw" series, set in Japan (Ronsdale Press). Along with writing, travelling, running, composing music and crafting folk art out of recycled materials, Philip spends his time with his growing family. Visit Philip at