Mouse Tales (SC)

Ronsdale Press
Available: 02/01/14
9 x 9 · 32 pages
CDN $9.95
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Mouse Tales, the first volume in the "Happy the Pocket Mouse" series, has been read to tens of thousands of students in Atlantic Canada and Ontario over the past five years, and has gathered a substantial following anxious to have the illustrated book in hand. Here, now, thanks to the artistic vision of Andrea Torrey Balsara, fans everywhere will delight in witnessing Happy and John in action. Readers of all ages will identify with Happy's bedtime struggle after a long day, his request for a story to help him fall asleep, and his nighttime anxieties when he must come to grips with the wicked witch of Grimms' Hansel and Gretel, the big bad wolf, and his own imagination of the "Three Bears." In a composite reading of the traditional tales, and with a few modern twists thrown in, Mouse Tales delivers a reading experience that suggests you cannot tell the goodness of a person simply by looking at them. Readers will be won over by the insatiably curious and determined little mouse, and his kind and endlessly patient friend, John. Mouse Tales proves that best friends come in all sizes, and guarantees a giggle.
Philip Roy lives in Durham, Ontario, with his family and their 17-year-old cat. Continuing to write adventurous and historical young adult novels focusing on social, environmental, and global concerns, Philip is also delighted to be embarking upon Mouse Pet, his third book in the "Happy the Pocket Mouse" series (illustrated by Andrea Torrey Balsara), due out in the fall of 2015, as well as Stealth of the Ninja, his eighth volume of the "Submarine Outlaw" series, set in Japan (Ronsdale Press). Along with writing, travelling, running, composing music and crafting folk art out of recycled materials, Philip spends his time with his growing family. Visit Philip at