Mouse Tales

Ronsdale Press
Available: 01/31/16
9 x 9 · 32 pages
CDN $12.95
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Mouse Tales, the first volume in the "Happy the Pocket Mouse" series, has been read to tens of thousands of students in Atlantic Canada and Ontario over the past five years, and has gathered a substantial following. Here, now, thanks to the artistic vision of Andrea Torrey Balsara, fans everywhere will delight in the new and revised hard-cover edition. Readers of all ages will identify with Happy's bedtime struggle after a long day, his request for a story to help him fall asleep, and his nighttime anxieties when he must come to grips with the wicked witch of Grimms' Hansel and Gretel, the big bad wolf, and his own imagined "Three Bears." Readers will be won over by the insatiably curious and determined little mouse, and his kind and endlessly patient friend, John. Mouse Tales proves that best friends come in all sizes, and guarantees a giggle.
Philip Roy travels back and forth between his homes in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and Durham, Ontario. This series of picture books for children complements Philip's "Submarine Outlaw" series for young readers.Visit Andrea Torrey Balsara has authored and illustrated her own stories for children as well as working as a writer for many years. She lives in Bowmanville, Ontario. Visit