A Forest of Your Own
The Pacific Northwest Handbook of Ecological Forestry

The Mountaineers Books
Available: 04/01/24
7.06 x 8.99 · 288 pages
CDN $52.95
· pb
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Throughout Oregon and Washington there are several hundred thousand family forest owners, in addition to millions of forest acres under the care of community forests, municipalities, and Indigenous tribes, all of whom manage trees for sustainable wood harvest as well as recreation, inspiration, and a range of cultural connections. Yet there hasn't been a complete resource for Pacific Northwest forest stewards until now.
In this comprehensive how-to, authors Kirk Hanson and Seth Zuckerman explore all aspects of forest management - everything from how to evaluate a piece of land before you buy it through implementing long-term plans that may include establishing new stands of trees, harvesting mushrooms as well as wood, and protecting your forests far into the future through wildfire risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and conservation easements. Loaded with helpful tables and illustrations that addressthe pros and cons of various species and how to best care for wildlife and the land, A Forest of Your Own is a clear guide to the many rewards of ecological forestry.
Kirk Hanson is an experienced forest educator and practitioner, skilled in guiding forest owners to manage their land sustainably. He has worked with a variety of land owners, and also blogs about his own family's experiences managing 200 acres of forestland.
Visit him online at nnrg.org/hansonfamilyforest.
As a journalist,Seth Zuckerman reported extensively on forests, salmon, and the human communities that depend on them. He is the executive director of the Northwest Natural Resource Group and author of several books, including Saving Our Ancient Forests and Salmon Nation . Visit him online at nnrg.org.