Raincoast Books

What Will You Read Next?

GERMAN in 10 minutes a day AUDIO CD


Bilingual Books
Available: 02/01/07
8.82 x 11.6 · 132 pages
CDN $104.95 · bm

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Kristine K. Kershul

Practice right along with native German speakers who guide you through every step-from asking for directions to ordering a meal, covering everything you'll need for your travels. Motivated and inspired, you'll be speaking German in no time! Includes German in 10 Minutes a Day book, and six CDs in a handy wallet.

Also available from Bilingual Books: German a Language Map, German in 10 Minutes a Day with CD-ROM, German in 10 Minutes a Day Audio CD Wallet and German in 10 Minutes a Day Audio CD Wallet Library Edition.

Since 1981, Bilingual Books, Inc. (Seattle) has sold millions of copies of its highly acclaimed products. The first title published was German in 10 Minutes a Day; now the company is the leader in foreign language publishing, with more than 40 titles in 20 languages.