Oh Baby! A Mom's Self-Care Survival Guide for the First Year
Because Moms Need a Little TLC, Too!

Available: 03/01/18
6.06 x 9 · 270 pages
CDN $25.99
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You read all the birthing books, took the Lamaze classes, and made it through labor (mostly) unscathed, but now the baby is home-and it's a whole new ballgame!
There are plenty of books and resources about how to properly care for your new baby, but what about caring for yourself? Maria Lianos-Carbone, founder of AMotherWorld.com, outlines the "proper care and feeding" of mothers during their baby's first year with humor and honesty. From the physical and emotional changes a new mom will undergo to rekindling intimacy with her partner, Oh Baby! Mom's Survival Guide for the First Year keeps the focus on moms-because you can't draw water (or breastmilk, for that matter) from an empty well. Maria's straight-talking, no-nonsense approach will give new moms everything they need to survive as they embark on the journey of motherhood.
This book is not affiliated with or endorsed by Hestia International, Inc., the trademark owner and publisher of Oh Baby! Magazine in Canada.
Maria Lianos-Carbone is a mom of two, social media strategist, and publisher of amotherworld.com, a leading lifestyle blog for women, and lifeandstyle.ca, a travel blog.
Also a freelance writer, Maria's work has been published in Huffington Post Canada, CanadianLiving.com, TodaysParent.com, and Parents Canada . Maria has worked on digital campaigns with brands such as Rogers, Air Canada, MasterCard, American Express, TD Canada Trust, Best Buy, H&M, Old Navy, Sobeys, Staples, P&G, and more. She has appeared as a guest on CNN Newsroom, CBC's Marketplace, The Mom Show, and Rogers Daytime .